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15 April 2022

April meeting in Cracov!

On 6-7 April 2022 ETEIA Project Partners  met at the AGH University of Science and Technology. Partners from OSTIM Technical University Turkey and University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Portugal visited Cracov where they were hosted by the Polish group.
The meeting has been opened by professor Katarzyna Styszko, the project manager. Then  professor Monika Motak - Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels as well as professor Marek Cała - Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management,  presented welcoming discourse for visitors from partner universities. Professor Cała emphasized that the proposal was prepared in a very different situation in the context of energy transition, and now the war has shown the effects of dependence on energy raw materials. Professor Cała made sure every person at the meeting was aware about the importance of our current actions and challenges in adapting the project objectives to the new reality.
During the meeting every Work Package representants presented the results to date and outlined plans for  future actions.
It was two days of fruitful discussions and exchanges of experiences, which will result in the best quality events and projects in the near future.




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