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07 April 2023

Energy Transition Game at AGH University

AGH students took part in Energy Transition Game! The game was organised on 4th of April and its aim was to try and develop energy transition of the whole country. Students impersonated energetic enterprises, government, community organisations and more and worked together with problems in energetic industry. Students had the chance to gain more awarness about mechanisms ruling the capitalistic world.

The game Energy Transition bases its mechanics on real ones challenges faced by decision-makers in the process of transforming the sector from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

During training, each player takes on a different role in a complex energy system. Each role has its own range of decisions and responsibility. During the classes, participants analyzed whether and how they would succeed in transforming the energy sector? Is it possible to stop climate change? What actions will contribute to building a better and fairer future? 



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