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Mentoring is a modern form of personalized education based on a partnership relationship between a mentor and a student (mentee), focused on discovering and developing the student's potential.
dr inż. Krzysztof Barański Keywords: Explosives, pyrotechnics, thermodynamic simulations, chemistry of explosives, combustion processes of pyrotechnic substances, testing the properties of explosives, mining fuses, geology
dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Brus, prof. AGH Keywords: numerical simulation of thermal and flow phenomena, numerical methods, computational material engineering, computational fluid mechanics, mathematical modeling, fuel cells, energy, application of artificial intelligence in energy
mgr Marta Bulanda Keywords: Technology transfer, commercialization of knowledge, academic entrepreneurship, research and innovation projects, science-business cooperation, R&D&I services, technology start-ups, capital companies
mgr Aneta Dygas Keywords: Technology transfer, commercialization, market implementation, intellectual property, technological offer, needs research, start-up, spin-off, evaluation of the idea's potential, training
mgr Arkadiusz Figórski Keywords: financial management and administration of the projects, horizon europe, intellectual property, technological offer, AGH regulations and procedures for project implementation, evaluation of the idea's potential
dr inż. Grzegorz S. Jodłowski Keywords: Carbon physicochemistry, organic chemistry, coal sorption modeling, microcontroller programming, CO2 mitigation / sequestration, biotechnology in the fuel system, health and cosmetology
dr inż. Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Keywords: Sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, sustainable supply chains, business ethics, employer branding, strategic management, organization analysis, creating people management systems, development of interpersonal competences, leadership, team collaboration, entrepreneurship, people management, creativity development, volunteer management, organizations non-profit, design thinking, research projects
dr hab. inż. Barbara Kowal, prof. AGH Keywords: Strategic management, business modeling, strategy and its implementation, goals and measures of their implementation, Balanced Scorecard, Business Model Canvas, financial analysis, financial modeling, operational efficiency, management of mining / raw materials companies.
dr inż. Krzysztof Kogut Keywords: gas networks, calculating flows, calculating pressure distributions in low and high pressure networks, determining gas demand, mercury emissions from industrial installations, balancing industrial processes
dr inż. Dominik Kowal Keywords: entrepreneurship, start-up, spin-off, innovation management, transfer and commercialization of knowledge and technology, startup design, business model, legal forms, business plan, startup financing, the process of investing in start-ups, Lean Startup, Business Model Canvas, Desigh Thinking, strategic management, evaluation and analysis of business ideas
dr inż. Zuzanna Łacny Keywords: revitalization of degraded areas, social aspect in mining activities, protection of industrial heritage, spatial planning
dr inż. Marcin Moździerz Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical methods, computer simulations, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transport, fuel cells, energy
mgr Małgorzata Orlik Keywords: Office coordination, administrative procedures at AGH, research and development for industry, sociology
dr Wojtek Kowalik Keywords: Internet marketing, social and marketing research, design thinking, employer branding
dr hab. inż. Anna Ostręga, prof. AGH Keywords: Reclamation, revitalization, spatial planning, protection of industrial heritage, law, energy transformation
dr inż. Karol Sztekler Keywords: Sorption cooling systems, seawater desalination, numerical simulations of energy and cooling systems and seawater desalination systems, use of waste heat for cooling and energy purposes, CCSU, engineering calculations
dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Styszko, prof. AGH Keywords: Micropollutants, chromatographic techniques, mass spectrometry, wastewater and water analysis, chemical composition of suspended dust, quality of life and the environment in large urban agglomerations
dr inż. Paweł Wajss Keywords: Daylight management - heliostats, tracking systems; energy management - HMS; renewable energy sources - CPV, Solar tower, PV, solar collectors; power engineering; commercialization of research results; Solar Decathlon.
dr hab. inż. Wojciech Zając, prof. AGH Keywords: Materials for energetic; Material chemistry; Synthesis of new materials; Electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems; Li-ion and Na-ion cells; Solid electrolytes and ionic conductivity in solids.
dr inż. Justyna Topolska
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, start-up, spin-off, commercialization of research results, cooperation between science and business, business model, Business Model Canvas, evaluation and analysis of business ideas, promotion of research results, team building, interdisciplinary cooperation, implementation of interdisciplinary projects
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