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Last Wednesday on AGH UST there was a meeting summarising micro-projects competition in the field of circular economy and energy transformation. The authors are students from Faculty of Civil Engineering and Recource Management and Faculty of Energy and Fuels. The goal was to present a proposal to the jury and implement the winning projects in real-life, taking the first steps in business. The winner is Paweł, who proposed an ultra-fast method for measuring hydrogen leakage. The supervisor of the thesis is Professor Grzegorz Brus. The next place, on the other hand, was creating a rickshaw using hydrogen by the students research group "Fenec". Another idea was to use old furniture and put it back into circulation in accordance with the reuse principle. The supervisor of the thesis was Professor Anna Ostręga and Anna Szewczyk-Świątek. The prize for the competition were grants for realisation of ideas.
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