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17 July 2021

Project kick-off meeting!

ETEIA Project has officially started! During the kick-off meeting on 16th July 2021 representatives of every project partner united to introduce their work approach. 

After a welcome by professor Katarzyna Styszko ETEIA project manager and roundtable presentation, director of EIT RawMaterials CLC East Sp. z o. o. Krzysztof Kubacki, presented the role of his institution in HEI Initiative and declared support for ETEIA project’s realization.

Then representative of Work Package 8 – prof. Katarzyna Styszko – presented main task and timeline for Phase 1 of the project. After that, she introduced project management consisting of ETEIA Board and Steering Committee: 
•    ETEIA Board: Katarzyna Styszko (AGH UST), Jose Baptista (UTAD), Ozan Gülhan (OSTIM TU), Marcin Kardas (Łukasiewicz)
•    Steering Committee – consists of WP Leaders’: Carla Marques (UTAD), Wojciech Kowalik (AGH UST), Karol Sztekler (AGH UST), Grzegorz Brus (AGH UST), Mustafa Polat (OSTIM TU), Marcin Kardas (Łukasiewicz Research Network), Marek Cała (AGH UST), Katarzyna Styszko (AGH UST).

After that, Carla Marques and Jose Baptista presented the main tasks of WP1: Diagnosis of needs and competence gaps in the area of creativity, innovation and commercialization of knowledge. Due to holiday season, schedule happened to be tough.

Wojciech Kowalik presented WP2: Basic entrepreneurial trainings for academic staff and students, listed proposed courses for students and staff. Timing and selection of courses is individual case for each partner. Also, the schedule and duration of the courses shall be planned by each institution based on questionnaires and diagnosis made during WP1.Grzegorz Brus responsible for WP4&5: Mentoring of students and staff, presented scheme of mentoring school and trainings at AGH. Each institution will do its own mentoring training, the network of mentors for exchange of experience shall be established as added value of the project. Ozan Gulhan representing WP6: Supporting start-up and internships, presented schemes for internships offer at OSTIM TU. Marcin Kardas presented the idea of Łukasiewicz challenges competition as a part of the offer for start-up support within the Project.

Michał Twardosz in the frame of WP7: Communication & Dissemination presented 3 versions of Project’s logo which lead to establishing the final one. Representative also explained the value of an effective communication and presented means of internal and external communication through the Project.Eventually, the next meeting was established to be held at the beginning of September.  




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