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As part of the project entitled Energy Transition Entrepreneurs in Action - Developing a Supportive Academic Environment for the Young Talents (ETEIA) from the EIT's HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education program, a series of trainings expanding knowledge on energy transformation and circular economy as well as teaching methods is organized.
The Faculty of Energy and Fuels AGH organizes training courses:
1. Training in the form of simulation game – ENERGY TRANSITION GAME, for academic teachers: 10-11.10.2022.
More info: [Link]; Deadline for application: 30.09.2022
Form for registration:
2. Training in the form of simulation game – ENERGY TRANSITION GAME, for students: 17.11.2022.
More info: [Link]; Deadline for application: 03.11.2022
Register here:
3. Modern methods of education PEDAGOGICAL EVOLUTION TOOLBOX, for academic teachers: 07-08.11.2022.
More info: [Link]; Deadline for application: 19.10.2022
Register here:
4. Modern methods of education: ENGINEERING & BUSINESS CASE TRAINING, for academic teachers: 22-23.11.2022.
More info: [Link]; Deadline for application: 19.10.2022
Register here:
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management AGH organizes training courses:
1. Zero-waste plasma gasification as an innovative technology of circular economy. Training combined with a visit to the site of an operating installation: 25.10.2022.
More info: [Link]; Deadline for application: 20.10.2022;
Register here:
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